hay wtf tell me tell me! ok, so is it like ummmmmmmmmmmmm a big bat cave, and we can take sekrit elevators and get into our masks and live underground? eatin big turkey legs, gnaw gnaw gnaw, no napkins in teh underworld, sleepin on stalagamites or or or wait! its a big hamster ball, and were going to roll around and anyone who tries and stops us we just roll over splat! dam thatd have to be a bigass hamster ball. lol. oooo its all h gee wells time machine and stuff!!!!1 hahahahahaha, vroom vroom whoah its 1970! nice bellbottoms caesar!! texel has feathered hair! oh no! its 1985 and i cant find my devo mix tape!!! i don't like being in danger. :( i dont know if i can come there, if its bad juju. :(