Have You Seen Her? Page 1 of 1 [similar to a Fax header or printed page from browser] HAVE YOU SEEN HER? [following crossed out:] request credit charges for 6 mos. --> spike in spending ___ for Oct '01 [end crossout] [following boxed:] what about J.? [J? James Avery?] [end boxed] Admen [?] shipping slips to front ____[?] possible trackback -- documentation of mc [me?] info leak [lean?] was he our Judas? Why her, too? [back of receipt] rent-a-lemon gas tank fill-up add to receipts [end back of receipt] [visible part of receipt] THANK YOU HAVE A NICE DAY ------------------- [end visible part of receipt] - Soc. [social] security nuked - no credit history - credit rating -none HOW??? clean slate, blank slate no trace, only this